Makeup Inspiration

I’ve been mildly addicted to watching YouTube makeup gurus lately, and it’s fun to see what they can do with makeup! Not all of it translates directly into ballroom makeup, which tends to be way more dramatic and verging on drag-queen level than even the most smoky party makeup, but there are a lot of great ideas and inspiration for incorporating into your competition or showcase makeup routine.  And, they show a lot of great techniques and tricks.  My current favorite look is a cut crease, so I will endeavor to try that at my next comp.  Maybe with some vampy lips if I’m feeling sassy.

I’ve also included beauty tutorials from ladies of different ethnicities, since I’ve noticed that there is not a huge amount of diversity in ballroom-specific makeup videos.

Bonus video! (Has nothing to do with ballroom makeup inspiration.) What the crap.  This girl is a-maz-ing.  I think I’ve gotten competition makeup down to maybe 15 minutes if I’m in a real hurry and everything is cooperating, but this takes mad skillz – check out how well she does that eyeliner wing in literally 3 seconds.  Also how quickly she puts on fake eyelashes!  Not to mention the rest of her videos, especially some of the crazy Halloween ideas.

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